Have you recently taken a pregnancy test and received a positive result? If so, you may be wondering “how many weeks pregnant am I?”. Here are the ways how to calculate how many weeks pregnant you might be:

  1. Count back to your last period. The easiest way to determine how far along you are is by counting back to your last period. This determines gestational age, which is how physicians measure pregnancy. Pull out a calendar and mark the first date of your last period, then count how many weeks between that date and today’s date. For example, if you started your last period on May 1 and today is June 26, you would be approximately 8 weeks pregnant.
  2. Count from date of conception. Do you happen to know the exact date of conception? If so, you can count 266 days (38 weeks) from that date. Most people can’t pinpoint an exact date, but if you only had sex once during your ovulation window (typically days 10-17 in a 28-day cycle), you can probably assume that was the date of conception.
  3. Get an ultrasound. This is the most reliable method if you don’t remember the first date of your last period or if you have irregular periods. Your OB/GYN will be able to measure your baby and track his or her development to determine your due date.

Have you taken a positive pregnancy test? Do you need a pregnancy confirmation or help determining your due date? Our clinic offers all services free of charge—including lab-quality pregnancy testing and ultrasounds. We want to empower women like you as you make choices about your reproductive health.

Contact us to schedule an appointment today. From Oak Cliff to Garland and Irving to Park Cities, our four Dallas-area clinics will offer a convenient location for you.

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